• Tests and support WordPress plugins after deployment

    Tests and support WordPress plugins after deployment

    Before deploying a plugin in the official WordPress plugins library, you have to make some essential points from this list. Next, your plugin is meticulously checked by people from WordPress Foundation. After approval, you get access to the SVN repository, where you can put the plugin’s source files. During pushing the plugin files there, your…

  • Astratic Blocks plugin

    Astratic Blocks plugin

    Gutenberg since the WordPress 5.0 is a more and more popular feature in WordPress. This should not change in WordPress 6.0 either. One of the most important advantages of Gutenberg are blocks. They “bring flexibility whether you are building your first site, or write code for a living” (source: wordpress.org). By default, the Gutenberg has…

  • [Plugin] Post Draft Preview

    [Plugin] Post Draft Preview

    The post-draft mechanism is a useful option in WordPress when you want to save any post (for example blog article or e-commerce product) but you don’t want to publish it yet. You can also send the draft URL to someone else but this person must have appropriate access to the wp-admin section to show the…

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