[Plugin] Simple Customizations for WooCommerce

WooCommerce lets you easily sell products or services online. A plugin allows you to create a working e-commerce store with basic features, however customizing your store to your preferences may require coding skills. This is why the Simple Customizations for WooCommerce plugin can help you – we’ve made the most requested changes that aren’t available in the settings. That way, you can easily select the functions you want from the menu instead of digging into the code.


  • Hiding breadcrumbs
  • Hiding sorting dropdown on the product list veiw
  • Removing “Add to cart” button from the category, archive or product tag pages
  • Hiding product price on the product lists
  • Removing “tabs” on the product view – so all content is visibe right away
  • Removing product description header from the “long” description
  • Specifying custom “Add to cart” button text
  • Specifying custom “Read more” button text (it is displayed instead of add to cart in some cases)
  • Removing product categories listing from the product page
  • Hiding product list item count
  • Hiding related products on product page
  • Hiding product “short” description
  • Removing “Additional information” section on product page

All of these features are available on the WooCommerce settings page under the Simple Customizations for WooCommerce tab.

Simple WooCommerce
Simple Customizations for WooCommerce

We’re still developing this plugin, once everything will be ready and tested we’ll post more details!

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