[Plugin] Post Draft Preview
The post-draft mechanism is a useful option in WordPress when you want to save any post (for example blog article or e-commerce product) but you don’t want to publish it yet. You can also send the draft URL to someone else but this person must have appropriate access to the wp-admin section to show the…
A quick guide to cronjobs in WordPress
Whenever you want to automate some recurring tasks cronjobs are one of if not the first thing we can think of. In this article, we’ll go over few examples of how to use them. “WP-Cron” vs “Server Cron” The first important thing that you need to know is that WordPress by default uses “WP-Cron” which…
Attributes and listeners inheritance in Vue.js
When developing any application with Vue.js, you probably need to create some kind of input field component for your forms. Moreover, the fields can vary from each other with many details like labels, hints, prefixes, suffixes, icons, validation messages, etc. From the HTML point of view, the input field itself is not enough to achieve…
How to search and replace data in the WordPress database?
Changing the system domain in WordPress often may require more work than just modifying some system constants or specific values. Depends on the system it may require direct changes in the database, and that’s why it is good to know how to make such changes without spending hours on manual work. Problem Why is this so important? WordPress…
Common code smells in web development
The code smells are places in the system architecture that indicate problems that require more attention. These are mostly connected with code readability, and even sometimes with system optimisation so we should give special attention to them.
WP-CLI custom commands
WP-CLI WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. It lets you manage your WordPress installation directly from the command line. There are many ready-to-use commands (check the full list here), the most frequently used one by me is search-replace since it is on par if not significantly faster than other tools that I used for…
PHP 8.1 & 8.0 in MAMP Pro for Windows
Creating applications on the latest PHP versions may be necessary for a backend programmer’s work. Unfortunately, creators of MAMP rarely update their software for systems from Microsoft, so using new editions requires a little creativity from us. Adding a new version of PHP to MAMP Unlike previous MAMP releases, there is no need to mess…
Git flow at Coditive
Git is one of the most important parts of the modern development process. It allows to track the changes in the codebase effectively, makes teamwork easier and provides the features that help to solve problems by reverting changes or getting back to other versions. This article is not the introduction to GIT itself, but it’s…
WordPress & Gutenberg – Full Site Editing
Full Site Editing is coming very soon. It will be huge change for WordPress and the entire community. For us – WordPress Developers – it will push the whole workflow and our approach to implementing WordPress projects to a whole new level. Below you can see great overview of the Full Site Editing feature that…
Are you searching for developers who genuinely care about your business? Do you need expert consultations in WordPress, Vue, Nuxt, or Laravel, top-tier coding, or thorough audits to boost your success? Look no further! We’ve got you covered.
AJAX Attribute inheritance backup bounce rate code smell Coditive Contact Form cronjobs database formatting rules GIT Git Flow GitHub Flow GitLab Flow JavScript loading speed MAMP message broker nuxt nuxt3 overlays PHP PHP rules plugin Popups Post Draft Preview RabbitMQ schedule Simple Customizations for WooCommerce Simple Floating Contact Form software development ux Vue.js web development WooCommerce WordPress WordPress CLI WordPress Gutenberg Wordpress plugins WordPress updates WP-CLI wp-cron